Nanostructured Al-ZrAl3 materials consolidated via spark plasma sintering: Evaluation of their mechanical properties
C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, C. Betegon, L. Goyos, L.A. Diaz, R. Torrecillas | Journal of Alloys and Compounds 550 (2013) 402-405

Effect of Constraint on the Fracture Behaviour of a Simulated Heat-Affected Zone of an X-70 Steel Used in Pipelines
S. Rivera, R. Lezcano, C. Rodriguez, F. J. Belzunce and C. Betegon | Strain. Vol 48, Issue 2, 157-161

Application of the small punch test to determine the fracture toughness of metallic materials
E. Cardenas, F.J. Belzunce, C. Rodriguez, I. Penuelas and C. Betegon | Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol 35, Issue 5, 441-450, May 2012

Biparametric fracture toughness characterization of Eurofer steel plates
Rodriguez C., Belzunce F.J., Garcia T.E., Penuelas I. | Procedia Engineering Vol 10, 2011,977-982ISSN:18777058

Analysis of different techniques for obtaining pre-cracked/notched small punch test specimens
I.I. Cuesta, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, J.M. Alegre | Engineering Failure Analysis, 2011, 18 (8) pp. 2282-2287

The influence of shot peening on the fatigue behaviour of duplex stainless steels
Sanjurjo PP, Rodriguez C, Pariente IF, Belzunce FJ, Canteli AF. | FATIGUE 2010 2 (1): 1539-1546

Fracture behaviour of de-aged poly(lactic acid) assessed by essential work of fracture and J-Integral methods
O.Santana, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, J. Gamez, F. Carrasco M. LL. Maspoch | Polymer Testing 29, 284-290

Fracture characterization of ductile polymers through methods based on load separation
C. Rodriguez, M. LL. Maspoch, F.J. Belzunce | Polymer Testing 28, 204-208

Fatigue behaviour of duplex stainless steel reinforcing bars subjected to shot peening
E Real, C Rodriguez, FJ Belzunce, AF Canteli, PP Sanjurjo, I. F. Pariente | Fatigue and Fracture of engineering Materials and structures, 32 (7): 567-572

Influence of heat treatment on the microstructure of a high chromium steel used for the manufacture of rolling rolls
F Pariente I., Artimez J.M., Belzunce F.J., Rodriguez C. | Materials Science Forum Vols 638-642, 3099-3104