Influence of the direction of ferrite-austenite banding on hydrogen embrittlement of 2205 duplex stainless steel
V. Arniella, M. Llera, L. Claeys, K. Verbeken, T. Depover, J. Belzunce, C. Rodríguez | Materials Characterization
Influence of Severe Surface Plastic Deformation Induced by Shot Peening on Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of fine grained 316 L stainless steel
P. Ebrahimzadeh, L.B. Peral, R. González-Martínez, E. Mardaras, I. Fernández-Pariente | Corrosion Science
Use of the small punch test for mechanical characterization of co– based laser cladding joint
I. García-Blanco, T.E. García, J.G. Cabezas, R. González, G. Álvarez, C. Rodríguez | Engineering Failure Analysis
Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of additively manufactured 316L stainless steel: Influence of post-processing, printing direction, temperature and pre-straining
G. Alvarez, Z. Harris, K. Wada, C. Rodríguez, E. Martínez Pañeda | Additive Manufacturing
Effect of tempering temperature and grain refinement induced by severe shot peening on the corrosion behavior of a low alloy steel
L.B. Peral, P. Ebrahimzadeh, A. Gutierrez, I. Fernandez-Pariente | Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
Hydrogen embrittlement of 2205 duplex stainless steel in in-situ tensile tests
V. Arniella, G. Alvarez, F.J. Belzunce, C. Rodriguez | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
Study of the influence of current density and displacement rate on hydrogen embrittlement using small punch tests
G. Alvarez, V. Arniella, F.J. Belzunce, C. Rodriguez | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics
Hidrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth: pre-charging vs in-situ testing in gaseous enviroments
A. Zafra, G. Alvarez, G. Benoit, G. Henaff, E Martinez-Paneda, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce | Materials Science and Engineering A
Griffith-based analysis of crack initiation location in a Brazilian test
Y. Navidtehrani, C. Betegon, R.W. Zimmerman, E. Martinez-Paneda | International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
Critical hydrogen concentration for crack propagation in a CrMo steel: Targeted experiments for accurate numerical modelling
L.B. Peral, I. Fernandez-Pariente, C. Colombo | Engineering Fracture Mechanics