Estimation of the mechanical properties of metallic materials by means of the small punch test
T.E. Garcia, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, C. Suarez | Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 582, 708-717

Use of small punch test on the analysis of fracture behaviour of PLA-nanocomposite films
C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, D. Arencon, M. LL. Maspoch, | Polymer Testing. Volume 33, 2014, Pages 21-29

In vitro comparison between cortical and cortico-cancellous femoral suspension devices for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Implications for mobilization
C. Rodriguez, T.E. Garcia, S. Montes, L. Garcia, A. Maestro | Knee Surgery,Sports Traumatology,Arthroscopy.DOI:10.1007/s00167-014-3055-9

Influence of the target material constitutive model on the numerical simulation of a shot peening process
P.P. Sanjurjo, C. Rodriguez, I. Penuelas, T.E. Garcia, F.J. Belzunce | Surface & Coatings Technology, 258 (2014) 822-831

Okreslenie wlasnosci mechanicznych poszczegolnych obszarow strefy wplywu ciepla spoiny przy pomocy proby SPT (Caracterizacion de una union soldada utilizando el ensayo Small Punch)
C. Rodriguez, J. Garcia Cabezas, E. Cardenas, F.J. Belzunce, C. Betegon | Dozopr Techniczny 3 272 (2014) 65-69

The use of cryogenic thermal treatments to increase the fracture toughness of a hot work tool steel used to make forging dies
M. Perez, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce | Procedia Material Science 3 (2014) 604-609

Estimation of the fracture toughness of structural steels by means of the CTOD evaluation of notched small punch specimens
T.E Garcia, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, I. Penuelas, I.I. Cuesta | Procedia Material Science 3 (2014) 861-866

A comparison of the mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of structural reinforcing bars made with different steels
C. Rodriguez, F. J. Belzunce, A.F. Canteli | Materiales de construccion 63, 311, 433-447

Constraint dependence of the fracture toughness of reduced activation RAFM Eurofer steel plates
C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, T.E. Garcia, I. Penuelas | Engineering Fracture Mechanics (2013) 103: 60-68

Experimental determination of the fracture toughness of steels by means of the small punch test
C. Rodriguez, E. Cardenas, F. J. Belzunce, C. Betegon | Experimental Mechanics (2013) 53 (3): 385-392