Hydrogen embrittlement analysis in a CrMoV steel by means of SENT specimens
G. Alvarez, A. Zafra, F.J. Belzunce, C. Rodriguez | Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 106 (2020) 102450

Effect of hydrogen on the fracture toughness of CrMo and CrMoV steels quenched and tempered at different temperatures
L. B. Peral, A. Zafra, FJ. Belzunce, C. Rodriguez | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 3958-3965

Using the Small Punch Test to analyse the influence of UV radiation on the mechanical behaviour of recycled PET
T. Abt, G. Alvarez, C. Rodriguez, M Ll. Maspoch | The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, Online version:

Hydrogen embrittlement of structural steels: Effect of the displacement rate on the fracture toughness of high-pressure hydrogen pre-charged samples
G. Alvarez, C. Rodriguez, T.E. Garcia, F.J. Belzunce | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (2019) 15634-15643

Ceramic materials characterization using miniature mechanical tests: comparison between B3B and SPT tests
C. Quintana, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, A.C. Caballero, C. Baudin | Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39 (2019) 4113-4121

Effect of hydrogen on the tensile properties of 42CrMo4 steel quenched and tempered at different temperatures
A. Zafra, L. B. Peral, J. Belzunce, C. Rodriguez, | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 43 (2018) 9068-9082

Effect of hydrogen on fatigue crack growth of quenched and tempered CrMo(V) steels
L.B. Peral, S. Blason, A. Zafra, C. Rodriguez, J. Belzunce | MATEC Web of Conferences. 165,03009

Analysis of Key Factors of Hydrogen Environmental Assisted Cracking Evaluation by Small Punch Test on Medium and High Strength Steels
B. Arroyo, J.A. Alvarez, R. Lacalle, C. Uribe,T.E. Garcia, C. Rodriguez | Materials Science & Engineering A 691 (2017) 180-194

Effect of hydrogen on the fatigue crack growth rate of quenched and tempered CrMo and CrMoV steels
L. B. Peral, A. Zafra, S. Blason, C. Rodriguez, FJ. Belzunce, | International Journal of Fatigue. 120 (2019) 201-214

Effects of hydrogen on the fracture toughness of 42CrMo4 steel quenched and tempered at different temperatures
A. Zafra, L.B. Peral, J. Belzunce, C. Rodriguez | International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 171 (2019) 34-50