A ductile failure model applied to the determination of the fracture toughness of welded joints. Numerical simulation and experimental validation
I. Penuelas, C. Betegon, C. Rodriguez | Engineering Fracture Mechanics 73, 2756-2773

Service behaviour of high speed steel rolling rolls used in hot strip mills
A. Ziadi, F.J. Belzunce , C. Rodriguez, I. Fernandez | Revista de Metalurgia, 41, 111-115

Wear and oxidation behaviour of multicomponent white cast iron
A. Ziadi, F.J. Belzunce C. Rodriguez and J. Riba | Materials Science and technology, 21 , 1181-1186

Structural integrity of hot strip mill rolling rolls
F.J. Belzunce, A. Ziadi, C. Rodriguez | Engineering failure analysis, 11 , 789-797

Mechanical behaviour and corrosion resistanse of stainless steel cold rolled reinforcing bars
H. Castro, C. Rodriguez and F.J. Belzunce | Mater.Sc. Forum (Trans Tech Publications LTD).1542,pp. 1541 -1546

Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of stainless steel reinforcing bars
H. Castro, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, A.F. Canteli | Journal of materials processing technology, 143, 134-137

A crack tip blunting analysis in the ductile-to-brittle transition of a structural steel
Tosal L, Rodriguez C, Belzunce F.J, Betegon C. | Fatigue and Fracture of Eng. Materials and structures, 23, 365-369

Comparison of the static and dynamic fracture behaviour of an AE-460 structural steel
Tosal L, Rodriguez C, Belzunce F.J, Betegon C | Engineering Fracture Mecha’n’nics, 66, 537-549

The influence of specimen size on the fracture behaviour of a structural steel at different temperatures
Tosal L, Rodriguez C, Belzunce F.J, Betegon C | Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 28, N4, 276-281

Fracture assessment of a high strength structural steel on the basis of Eurocode 3
A. Valiente1, M. Elices1, J. Ruiz1, J.A. Alvarez2, F. Gutierrez-Solana2, F.J. Belzunce3 And C. Rodriguez4 | Materials and Structures, 32, 144-150