Lucía Tosal Martínez | Universidad de Oviedo Tesis Influencia de la geometría y de la velocidad de deformación …
Tosal L, Rodriguez C, Belzunce F.J, Betegon C. | Fatigue and Fracture of Eng. Materials and structures, 23, 365-369 Articulos A crack tip blunting analysis in the ductile-to-brittle transition of …
Tosal L, Rodriguez C, Belzunce F.J, Betegon C | Engineering Fracture Mecha'n'nics, 66, 537-549 Articulos Comparison of the static and dynamic fracture behaviour of an …
Tosal L, Rodriguez C, Belzunce F.J, Betegon C | Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 28, N4, 276-281 Articulos The influence of specimen size on the fracture behaviour of …