María Fernández Vega | Universidad de Oviedo Tesis Utilización del ensayo miniatura de punzonado en la caracterización mecánica …
T.E Garcia, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, I. Penuelas, I.I. Cuesta | Procedia Material Science 3 (2014) 861-866 Articulos Estimation of the fracture toughness of structural steels by means …
M. Perez, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce | Procedia Material Science 3 (2014) 604-609 Articulos The use of cryogenic thermal treatments to increase the fracture …
C. Rodriguez, J. Garcia Cabezas, E. Cardenas, F.J. Belzunce, C. Betegon | Dozopr Techniczny 3 272 (2014) 65-69 Articulos Okreslenie wlasnosci mechanicznych poszczegolnych obszarow strefy wplywu ciepla spoiny przy …
P.P. Sanjurjo, C. Rodriguez, I. Penuelas, T.E. Garcia, F.J. Belzunce | Surface & Coatings Technology, 258 (2014) 822-831 Articulos Influence of the target material constitutive model on the numerical …
C. Rodriguez, T.E. Garcia, S. Montes, L. Garcia, A. Maestro | Knee Surgery,Sports Traumatology,Arthroscopy.DOI:10.1007/s00167-014-3055-9 Articulos In vitro comparison between cortical and cortico-cancellous femoral suspension devices …
C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, D. Arencon, M. LL. Maspoch, | Polymer Testing. Volume 33, 2014, Pages 21-29 Articulos Use of small punch test on the analysis of fracture …
T.E. Garcia, C. Rodriguez, F.J. Belzunce, C. Suarez | Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 582, 708-717 Articulos Estimation of the mechanical properties of metallic materials by means …